
The rainbow melted
before my eyes
and trickled down the sky
in drops of heaven
as I stood with a
cup in my hand
watching it
fill to the brim
one colour at a time.
I take a sip, and
my insides vaporize
leaving behind
wisps of smoke
that fight
to escape
like daylight,
into the night
where it settles
on the unborn flowers
that bloom into life.

The Ghost – NaPoWriMo 2015: Day 23

And then the words

stopped flowing

As the conscious mind

took over the sub-conscious,

Leaving behind

an empty casket

buried in the graveyard

just beyond the wall

that separates

sanity from insanity,

humility from vanity, and

dreams from reality.

In the middle of it all

the headstone stands alone

Singing an elegy

written by a ghost

who vanished in the fog

Leaving behind

bits and pieces of his soul

that no one in this life

will find.

Beginning Of The End – NaPoWriMo 2015: Day – 20

What do you do?

When all you can do

Is wait;

Anxious and restless

As time plays

its game

Like a serial killer

Before it slays

its victims

In slow motion

You pray

for the end to

Embrace you


It’ll liberate you

And take you

To a place where

There is no space

For the minutes

To fill in the days

As the last drops of blood

flows out of your veins

And you’re left with

What you had craved for

In the first place –

A beginning

to your end.



Painting By: Umberto Boccioni

Speeding serpent of metal
Slither past lush green meadows
as a thousand stories speak
through the thick glass windows
Mountains deep in slumber
like dragons in the distance
Chimneys breathing smoke
Like volcanoes threatening eruption
Rickshaws and overcrowded buses,
Motor cycles at railway crosses
pause, as the serpent moves past
Power grids and deserted houses
Cattle grazing nonchalantly
underneath the setting sun
Little children on porches
Waving goodbyes at strangers
An explosion of violet and yellow
Over the ageing fences add life
To the portrait of a landscape
Bathed in evening light
Graveyards and shrines stand
Neglected under the stars
as the darkness slowly puts an end
to the stories that spoke through the glass

The Departed


Photo Source: http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/artists/105704232

In the air we breathe the essence of the departed floats like the first snow of the season, reaching out to us in the purest of white, from the ubiquitous grey of the sky. For a moment we feel the pinch of cold on our bare skin but then it melts away, leaving just a trail of transparent liquid where it had touched us. The transformation so ephemeral that one could barely notice it happen and yet significant enough to leave its trace on our lives.The consciousness they touch in that flicker of a moment become a small part of a much bigger experience. This experience then survives the gloom of winter through the summer and all the other seasons, through rain and wind, while continuously battling with time, to be transformed into this really powerful memory. A memory that, within itself, holds the ability to breathe life back into the gloomy winter and make it snow once again.


Photo Source: http://www.wikipaintings.org

Every face will disappear and every spirit will fade into the sun. The days will melt away into hours and the hours will vaporize into seconds, right before our eyes, beneath the clear blue sky. The fire of freedom will crackle at our feet and we will dance around it like proud centaurs – victorious in our battle against life.



Photo Source: http://antaryamin.wordpress.com

I opened my eyes today feeling like no other day. I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with the warmth of the morning. It was an incredible experience. The sun felt warmer and the air lighter. The trees seemed greener and the sky looked more beautiful than ever. There was no trace of sadness or loneliness nor was there any doubt or questions. There was no hint of disappointment or resentment. There was just this sense of lingering peace that made everything seem better.

I got up, walked up to the door and  turned, one last time, to see my body cradled peacefully on the bed before moving on.



Photo Source: http://www.ludimaginary.net/photograph-668.html

Erase me from the annals, for they remind us of things that should have been forgotten. Erase me from the memories, for they keep us alive in times that should have passed. Erase me from your heart, for it holds on too tight to fickle reflections. Erase me from your life, for tomorrow I shall be the story that wasn’t meant to last. Erase me from the stone that might have carried my name on a grave. Erase me from the wall that might have held onto my face behind a glass. Erase me from every eye, every face, that might lament my absence. Erase me, for I am the train that was just supposed to pass.